Friday, January 30, 2009

jabber and projects
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wrapping up the Great North
But I thought I'd post some pictures as a wrap up to our time there.
Here's the bodice...a bit better it's got this great curve and was definitely the hardest part to sew.
Esme trying to steal her Babka's beer at one of our favorite places, the Gunflint Tavern
Crazy Kid!
Esme decided she's moving in!
Esme says "That is the biggest bathtub I've ever seen!"
Babka's house is right on Lake Superior...which is pretty big for a bathtub...
Talk to you all again soon!
Monday, January 19, 2009
snowshoeing with Santa Klaus and the Easter Bunny
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My little priest in training (poor child)
today Esme and I went to Babka's church which is just a little different than our church where we go every Sunday.
Everything in the North woods is a bit more laid back and church is no exception...needless to say the procession is two people (still wearing their mukluks), there is no chanting, the gospel was read from the same pulpit as the other readings and the sermon was preached from the very same pulpit (GASP!!)
So today while her Babka was preparing the communion (there's probably some techincal term for this that I just don't know) Esme must have noticed that something was sorely missing from this church experience.
She grabbed a prayer book and opened it about half way so that she could comfortably hold it in her hands...she put it up in front of her face and walked to the front of the church, to the middle of the aisle...all of this while singing mind you.
At this point I thought the book was (in her mind) a hymnal and she was just singing.
As soon as she got to the front she turned, lowered the book a bit, stopped singing, and just held the book there in front of her face.
At this point it hit me...
Esme was chanting the gospel!
This child watches everything...she will be a boat bearer sooner than we think.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
not plagarization but rather, recycling...
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows
Esme and her Babka making gingerbread cookies
Friday, January 16, 2009
new slippers and sewing lessons
Apparently in sewing there is also a lot of ironing
the first few stitches...or preparing for them anyway
Yea! a pocket...isn't this great fabric?
A deer stopped by mid-lesson to snack on the berries out front
The gathers...one of my favorite parts, and a little tricky if I do say so myself!
I am sooo Donna Reed!
Luckily while I'm sewing there are grandma's (and a kitty) to entertain Esme
bath time with Babka
So that's us here in the freezing North...more to come on our adventures where all the women are strong the men are (what are the men?) and the children are above average...isn't that how it goes in Lake Wobegon?