Esme and I were lucky enough to stay in our friend's (the Vroon's) apartment where Esme took full advantage of her friend Isaac's baby gear by not only playing with all of his toys (hope we got all the banana out of the toy box Julie :)) but she also took a nap in his crib...let me try that once more just in case anyone didn't catch it the first time...Esme took a N-A-P in a C-R-I-B...I know I could hardly believe it myself (the ups and downs of our sleeping life are a whole other post but I just had to share that very exciting tid-bit!)
Anyway... we started our exciting trip with a new haircut for mom documented below...
Friday night we had a great dinner with Uncle Steve, Auntie Anna, Uncle Nathan, Auntie Veronica and Grandma Bette...I think we all must have been as tired as I felt because there are apparently no pictures to document our lovely meal from my favorite NY takeout spot Spice.
Saturday morning Esme and I walked up to the corner and shared a croissant and OJ from LaBergamot for breakfast before meeting up with Auntie Anna for some shoe shopping and heading off to Central Park where we met up with not only the rest of the fam but the pugs as well.
Esme was in seventh heaven running around the park with Grandma Bette and enjoying her first ice cream bar of the season (well maybe her first ice cream bar ever...)
The running did include frequent trips back to the group to check on the pugs...
We capped off a great day with a meal at our favorite restaurant Cafeteria, Esme has been frequenting this NYC hotspot since before she was born and when she was a baby their loud music made it one of her favorite places to sleep. It must remain one of her favorites as she spent the duration of the meal spinning around the corner of our corner booth like a little top and stacking the three ramekins our friend Anne-Lane's dinner came in as if they were mac and cheese blocks that she was playing with.
Esme and our friend Anne-Lane at dinner...
As I was parking the car after our return Andrew decided he should style Esme's hair for our Sunday night potluck...I swear I can't leave those two alone for a minute...
I have to throw in one last picture from today of Esme lounging in her new Poang chair...where does she learn this stuff?
What a fun weekend! We need to get out to Philly asap!